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Tuesday, February 28, 2017


Duties and Responsibilities: The duties and responsibilities of a neurosurgeon is to prevent, diagnose, surgical treatment, and rehabilitation of disorders that affect any part of the nervous system including the brain, spinal cord, peripheral nerves and the extra cranial cerebrovascular system.

Salary: $609,639.

Education: The education requirements are the following:
1.Earn a Bachelor’s degree
2.Attend Medical School
3.Pass the Medical License Exam
4.Complete an internship and Neurosurgical Residency program
5.Become state  licensed and board certified

Demand: The demand is high for this career because everyone obviously has a nervous system and if anything happens to them whether in the brain or the spinal cord they’ll need someone to help them and treat them which is a neurosurgeon.


Image result for neurosurgeon

Reflection: I would like to be a neurosurgeon because the nervous system is a system in our bodies that has always fascinated me and is very interesting to me. Another reason i would like to become a neurosurgeon is because the demand is high so there will always be something for me to work on which is something i would want in a career. Another thing about being a neurosurgeon is that you get to learn a lot about your nervous system and can help anyone you know with anything about the brain or spinal cord etc.

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