Student Success Statement
“Dare to do right.”

Rex D. Pinegar
Reflection: This quote by Rex D. Pinegar dares us to do right when we need to do right. We need to do right when we need to which is all the time. Doing the right thing all the time is mandatory in life because when you do good and you do the right thing you feel good. An example is if you are dared to smoke something you know is really bad and you should not do it then remember this dare by Rex D. Pinegar and do not smoke what you are being dared to instead do the right thing and leave and do not smoke what they are daring you to smoke. Another example is if someone at school is being bullied or harassed in anyway the you need to go over there and stop the bully and do the right thing by protecting the person that is being bullied and stand your guard against the bully even though it is not your problem. We must always do right because it is the right thing to do and it is our job as people to do the right thing in our lives. Rex D. Pinegar says, “Dare to do right.” We must always apply this to our lives and do what is right when it is needed.
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