Nursing Home Administrator
Duties and Responsibilities: The duties and responsibilities of a nursing home administrator are to work in supervising clinical and administrative affairs of nursing homes and related facilities. Basic duties for this career include overseeing staff and personnel, financial matters, medical care's, medical supplies, facilities, and other duties that this career calls for.
Salary: The salary annually is $94,500.
Education: Education requirements for this career are shown in the following:
Demand: The demand for this career is high because as people get older and older they will most likely reach to the point where they need someone to take care of them because they are not able to do it themselves.
Reflection: I would like to be a nursing home administrator because the elderly are so wise and helpful when they talk to you about how they lived their life and sharing their stories of the past. I would also like to be a nursing home administrator because the demand for this career is high because more and more people are getting older and older so they'll need more and more people to take care of them because they won't be able to do it themselves anymore. This career is a career that i will definitely go into my consideration when i think about what i would like to do as i graduate high school and pursue a career.