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Friday, December 16, 2016

Class Evaluation

     There are many things that made me enjoy this class such as the advice of always choosing the right, all those student success statements that gave a lot of advice. Lastly for me having this class this semester was a privilege because it really helped me with my typing skills by using the typing tutor and i know that being able to type is a big requirement when applying for almost any career.  

     This class was indeed phenomenal because it taught us so many options in the medical career field and how to become one and just expanded our minds to greater things. However there is one thing that i disliked about this class was that we did not get the chance to explore more on the computer with the gadgets and widgets and how to use different programs such as Microsoft Excel. 

     A recommendation I have for this class is to teach us more about computers and show how much more there is to this like i mentioned before how to use Microsoft Excel or maybe more and different applications available on these computers.

     The highlight of this class for me was when we were able to choose a career we would like to learn about that was non-medical. This was my highlight because that moment gave me a huge opportunity to learn more about a certain career that i may or may not want to pursue. 

     I really did try in this class and worked hard to maintain a really good grade. My grade in this class currently is an A and i know that i worked really hard to maintain that A and to be able to say i have an A for this class.

     I read my life planning goals journal almost everyday. I am aware that i am supposed to read my journal everyday for at least five minutes and i try to do it but on some days i forget to and i end up not reading it and not reporting it. 

     I am committed to being a CTR person because i know being a CTR person and choosing the right will get me to great places in life and i know i will not regret not choosing to wrong because if i had chosen the wrong then it would have gotten me to some terrible places in life. 


Friday, December 9, 2016

Sting of the Scorpion
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This was a story of a young boy whose name was Patrick and his family taking a vacation in the Arabian Peninsula. His parents always told him to put on shoes before he goes and walks on the sand to avoid snakes and/or scorpions. So one morning he went to go walk around and he put on his sandals being lazy and not putting on his shoes. Eventually he got stung by a scorpion thinking that it was a thorn. His parents rushed him to the hospital that was two hours away. He was healed and realized what consequence he got from not doing what was right. We can learn from this by doing what is right all the time and to stop and think before we do something wrong and think what the outcome and/or sting life may give us. For example if you do wrong in school and get bad grades your parents will take away your privileges which represents the sting life is giving you. Always do right to avoid the string of life.  
Student Success Statement

“Always do right.”

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Mark Twain

Reflection: This quote by Mark Twain really makes an impact because he say that one thing that we should always do is to do right. He knows that there is things we should never do and there is other things that we can do once in awhile.An example of always do right is to not use vulgar language all the time in your vocabulary because that language will make you sound uneducated and no one wants to hire an uneducated person.A example of something someone should never do is to use drugs and to smoke tobacco because that is doing to wrong thing. There will always be things that we should never do and there are many things that we may do once in awhile. However, the most important part is to always do right.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Student Success Statement

“It is better to be alone than to be in bad company.”
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Reflection:  Being alone is better than being in bad company is what this quote tells us.  There are many groups in the world that do good things like help the community and do great things. Then there are other groups that do horrible things like smoking and bringing no good to their community. Whoever said this quote is preventing us from being with bad company. Instead be alone when there is no good company around to be with. It's better to be alone than to be with bad company. For example if you are at a party where everyone is smoking and bringing no good to anyone or anything than leave and walk home alone and that will be extremely better than to stay at the party and be with bad company. Another example may be if your at school and there is a bad group doing horrible things and your see good company doing wonderful things. In that situation you do not have to be alone you may go with the good group the good company.
World War II

Image result for world war 2World War II happened from the dates September 1st 1939 to September 2nd 1945. This war was a conflict between two alliances the Axis Powers and the Allied Powers. Those who made up the Allied Powers were the United Kingdom, United States, China, and the Soviet Union. Also those who made up the Axis Power were Germany, Italy, and Japan. This war caused death to millions of civilians which includes the victims of the Holocaust. This war first started with the Empire of Japan wanting to dominate Asia in 1937 but the main part of this war that everyone looks at is the invasion of Poland by Nazi Germany which created a war with the United Kingdom and France against Germany in 1939. Germany controlled most of Europe in late 1939 and early 1941 and formed and alliance with Italy and Japan. On December 7th 1941 approximately 75 years ago Japan attacked Pearl Harbor which was a aerial base for the U.S. which automatically involved the U.S into World War II. This war concluded with the invasion of Berlin, Germany on May 8th 1945. Then after the Japan refused to surrender the U.S. bombed two cities in Japan which killed millions of families, children, and women. After this the U.N. was formed this was the United Nations Security Council. After that the U.S. and Soviet Union became rivals starting the cold war which lasted for the next 46 years.
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Reflection: This war is something that should never happen again because there were too many innocent people killed. Families, children and women were killed. There are many ways to show respect for those who have fallen in this war. For example a moment of silence or visiting graves of those who fought for this country. There are so many more ways to show respect and honor to those who have fallen.

Monday, December 5, 2016

Student Success Statement

The 3 Questions

1. Can people trust me to do what’s right?

2. Am I committed to doing my very best?

3. Do i treat people the way i want to be treated?

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“If the answer to these questions are YES, there is no way you can fail.”
Lou Holtz

Reflection:  These are 3 very important questions everyone should ask themselves. The answers one gives to these questions will determine whether the fact they will succeed in life or if they will go down. If you can answer yes to all three questions you will succeed in life but if you answer at least one with a no you will not succeed. You need to be able to be trustworthy to do what’s right. You need to be able to be committed to do your very best at anything. Finally you need to treat others how you want to be treated. If you can answer yes to these questions there is no way you can fail.
Challenges Teens Face Today

As a teenager myself some challenges that i face in this new day of age are things like fitting in, school, being able to find a college to go to, and what someone would want to be when they grow up. There are only so many things to do in this world. Some more challenges people face as a teen are drugs, grades in school, and being able to pursue a goal. Becoming a CTR person will definitely help everyone because you’ll be able to avoid drugs that come your way, you will also study for school to get good grades in all your classes, and you will be able to pursue a goal that you set for yourself in the future or in this present time. We can help other teens with their challenges by sharing how you overcame your challenges which will educate them on how they can overcome their challenges.

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Reflection:  The greatest need teens acquire are friends that will help them overcome their challenge by walking with them through those tough times and stick with them the whole way. Also they need their parents to support them the whole way as well. Another thing teens might need are a role model and it can be anybody a parent, brother or sister, a friend, or even a mentor that you have.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Student Success Statement

“Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity. Intelligence and skill can only function  at the peak of their capacity when the body is healthy and strong.”

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President John F. Kennedy

Reflection:  This quote by our former president John F. Kennedy is saying that it’s more than just physical fitness that keeps our body healthy it's many more things. Physical Fitness is the base of dynamic and intellectual activity which means that people may only have intelligence and skill if their body is healthy and strong from their physical fitness. Many people do think that the only way to become a healthy person with a healthy body is if they are physically fit but it's more than that. It's also about intelligence and skill. Physical fitness is not the only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity. Intelligence and skill can only function at the peak of their capacity when the body is healthy and strong.
Health Sciences Librarian

Duties and Responsibilities:  A health sciences librarian is in charge of helping professionals access information of many medical topics. Some of their responsibilities include organizing biomedical, scientific, clinical, and even general information to staff in a health care delivery or educational setting.  

Salary:  The annual salary for this career is $43,700.

Education:  The education requirements for this career includes a 4 year baccalaureate program in any discipline they want. Some of the common majors people take are biology, library sciences, management, or health information.

Demand for this profession:  The demand for this profession is really high because this career assist to find whatever information somebody needs about anything in the medical field.

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Reflection:  I would like to be a health sciences librarian because these people help many students find any information that the students require about anything in the medical field. This career would be a good one because not only do you educate the students with whatever they need but you can educate yourself with many things that are in the medical field.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Student Success Statement

“Kindness is the essence of greatness.”

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Joseph B. Wirthlin

Reflection:  This quote by Joseph B. Wirthlin is saying that with more kindness that you have then the more greatness you will be. There are many things that can make you great or other things that you are great in. For example, you can be a great soccer player but you do drugs which doesn’t make you a great person. However, if you do kind things like doing something without being told to do it or cleaning up your room or just doing anything kind in general will make you a great person. Kindness is the essence of greatness.
Thanksgiving Week

Image result for thanksgiving tableDuring Thanksgiving week there were a lot of things to do. First off I did homework for all my classes on Monday and Tuesday. Then on Wednesday I went to the movies to watch Dr. Strange and it was a good movie I enjoyed it. After the movies i went to the park in to go play football with friends. That football game lasted 2 hours because we were trying to get a tie breaker that took us 2 hours. After those 2 hours we just called it a tie because some of the team members were getting upset on the calls we made on them.On Thursday morning i went to the basketball courts in Downey with the same friends and had a little game. This time it didn't last 2 hours it was a short game for about an 1 hour. After the game i went home and got ready and left for Palmdale to go have a Thanksgiving feast with family that live over there. On Black Friday we attempted to go and shop in the evening to see what everyone else left in the store and there were still pretty good things that were left there. The next day we went to a family friend’s house to watch the USC vs Notre Dame game and we had a good time. Overall the Thanksgiving break that i had was a very good and enjoyable one.  

Friday, November 18, 2016

Student Success Statement

“Manners maketh man.”

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William Wykeham

Reflection:  This is a quote that everyone should read and apply to their lives. Manners make women and men who they are as a person is what the quote basically says. There are many good manners but when there is good there is always bad. Some good manners include saying please and thank you, being polite, no foul language, and not being rude. Some bad manners include cursing, being rude, dress inappropriately, and having bad table manners. There is also so much more good and bad manners but those are the more frequently done manners that people do. All of these manners make up who we are as a person whether someone is a bad person because they have bad manners or if someone is a good person because they have really good manners. Manners make women and men who they are as a person.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Student Success Statement

“If it is not right do not do it; if it is not true do not say it.”

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Marcus Aurelius

Reflection: This is an exceptional quote by Marcus Aurelius the great philosopher. He says that if there is something that is not right do not do it and there is a lie you may be able to say to get you out of trouble or for any reason do not say it. An example of the first half of the quote is if you walk into a store and pay for an average television and the man behind the counter gives you a extreme tv by mistake the right thing to do is to say he's made a mistake not walk away with it and do the wrong thing. Another example is if all your friends are at a party that you were invited to are smoking marijuana and doing all other sorts of drugs don't go in there and start tagging along and doing it with them walk away and don't ever go back. A example for the 2nd half of the quote is that say your playing baseball outside with your brother and he throws the ball at you and you hit the ball towards the window and break it do not lie and say that it was him to get you out of trouble. Another example is that do not start rumors or lies about someone at school, in your family or anywhere if it's not true because telling lies about someone isn’t the right thing to do. If it is not right, do not do it. If it is not true, do not say it.
Thanksgiving and Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving Day is a holiday celebrated by Canada and the United States of America. It's a day celebrated to give thanks for the blessing of the harvest. In Canada Thanksgiving is celebrated on the second Monday of October and in the U.S. it is celebrated on the 4th thursday of November. Also all around the world they celebrate similar holidays or traditions. Thanksgiving is a annual holiday that is marked by religious observances and a traditional meal which does include turkey. This holiday reminds us of the harvest festival that the Pilgrims had with the Native Americans in 1621. This holiday has become an annual one since 1863 during the Civil War when President Abraham Lincoln  proclaimed this to be a national day to give thanks and praise to our father in heaven.

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12 Things I am grateful for:
1. Family
2. My life
3. Education
4. My home
5. My church
6. Clothes
7. My bed
8. My brothers
9. My parents
10. Electronics
11. Love
12. Waking Up today

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Student Success Statement

“Hold yourself responsible for a higher standard than anybody else expects of you. Never excuse yourself.”

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Henry Ward Beecher

Reflection: This quote for today’s student success statement is about taking responsibility for yourself and not to blame others for your mistakes. An example to show more about what this quote means is if you are smoking with your friends and you get caught then you don’t blame it on your friends and say they would have hurt you or they pressured you to do it. You have control of what you do not anybody else. If someone tells you to do something that you know you shouldn’t be doing then you need to have the courage to say no and take control of what you do. If you do not have the courage to do that then you will be “pushed around” and told what to do the rest of your life all because you did not want to say no to someone. If you do do something bad then take the responsibility and do not blame anyone else for what you did. Hold yourself responsible for a higher standard than anybody else expects of you. Never excuse yourself.
Veterans Day
Veterans day is a U.S. holiday celebrated on November 11th. This holiday honors military veterans who served in the United States Armed Forces. People mistake Veterans Day and Memorial Day as a same holiday but it isn’t. Veterans Day honors those who are currently serving in the military and Memorial Day honors those who have died serving our nation in the military.It is important to continue honoring veterans because it is a way of showing respect to those people who have gone through tough experiences to protect our country and their sacrifices they have made while serving their country. One way to show respect on Veterans Day is to say "Thank you" and to donate to the USO. The USO is the United Service Organization.
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Reflection:  I think that this holiday is very important because it honors those who currently serve in our military. I know maybe a handful of people who currently serve and who have served in our country and i know what hardships they went through. Having to leave their families, leaving their homes no knowing whether they will come back or not.This holiday is special to everyone in one way or another whether they know someone who is currently in the military or if they knew someone who is still alive that did serve in our country. No one should not be celebrating this magnificent holiday.

Monday, November 7, 2016

Student Success Statement

“These are the 3 magic keys to living your life with integrity:

1.Have the courage to say no.
2.Have the courage to face the truth.
3.Do the right thing because it is right.

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W. Clement Stone

Reflection: This quote really tells us how we need to live our life with integrity. Have courage and say no. Have the courage to face the truth and do the right thing because it is right. An example to the first key is if someone is trying to get you to do something like drugs or something inappropriately then you need to have the courage to say no. Another example is if you are being pressured into cheating on a test in school say no. A example for the following key “Have the courage to face the truth.” is to tell someone the truth like if they ask you if you cheated on the test and you did say yes and tell the truth. Don't blame others for what you did on your own. For the last key which is to do the right thing because it's right it's pretty self explanatory that we need to do all that is right we need to CTR, do what we are told by our parents, and do not do anything that will make a negative impact on your life. We need to have the courage to say no, have the courage to face the truth and do the right thing because it is right.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Student Success Statement

“He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.”

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Proverbs 13:20

Reflection:  This quote is very important because of the fact that this definitely speaks to a lot of people. It says that whoever walks with wise people will become wise but if you walk with fools you will become a fool. You can walk with wise people at school, home, the store, church anywhere but where there's good there is bad. An example would be if you hang out with people who like to study and do their school work then you will be doing your school work all the time and you will achieve many things. However, if you walk with people who like to smoke and like to do things they shouldn’t be doing then you will experience failure because you walked with fools. Another example would be if you walk with people who like to do things good without having to be told to do it then you will start to do good things without having your mom, dad or anybody telling you to do it. But if you socialize with those who want everything in their hand and they need someone to tell them to do something that they know they're supposed to do then you need to get away from them because then you will become just like them and that is something that is horrible. He who walks with the wise will become wise but those who walk with fools shall be destroyed.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

The Gainesville Tornadoes
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Reflection:  This is an amazing story of a Juvenile basketball team that  will play against other schools such as Vanguard and they would never have and audience for their own team. So then the Vanguard team asked people if they can cheer for the Tornadoes and give them some cheerleaders as well. Once the Tornadoes came out they were really surprised to the point where they didn't know what was going on. When the Tornadoes made a basket the whole crowd would cheer. In the end of the great game it didn't matter who won. All that mattered was that everyone had a great time.

Student Success Statement
“The best recreation is to do good.”

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William Penn

Reflection: This quote is very important because it tells us that the best recreation that we can do is to do good. Recreation re-creates ourselves so when we do re-create ourselves we can do it good and make ourselves feel good when we do this. An example is if you wake up early then go to school and then after school you still have a sport to practice you do it then you get home at 6 you should always do a recreational activity that will make you feel good. There are many recreational things that you can do that will make you feel good and satisfied like studying, cleaning around the house without having anyone to tell you to, also you can walk your dog and enjoy the outdoors.

Friday, October 28, 2016

Student Success Statement

“Right it right, even if everyone is against it; and wrong is wrong even if everyone is for it.”

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William Penn

Reflection:  This quote is very special because the author of this quote William Penn tells us that whatever is right is right and whatever is wrong is wrong. There are many things that is right or wrong but sometimes we can not identify whether it is right or wrong. For example if everyone in school is against wearing uniform it's the right thing to do but we get blinded by the opinions of everyone else in the school. Wearing uniform is the right thing to do even though everyone is against wearing uniform. Another example is that if you go to a party and everyone is smoking at the party then you shouldn't even think about going into that party. Smoking is wrong even though everyone that was at that party was for it. It's hard to tell what's right and what's wrong in some cases because we do get blinded by peer pressure and the opinions of others. Also we tell ourselves if i do this i'll be cool but i don't do this everyone will make fun of me. That is something that no one should have to think the only thing that people should think about in those cases is how it's going to affect themselves. Whats right is right, even if everyone is against it; and wrong is wrong, even if everyone is for it.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Student Success Statement

“Don’t sacrifice what you want most for what you want now. Write down what you want most and see it often.”

Peter Vidmar

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Reflection: This quote is very important because Peter is teaching us that we shouldn't sacrifice what we want most for what we want right now no matter what. He also tells us that we should write down what we want most and look at it often to remind ourselves what we want the most and not sacrifice it for something in the present. An example is if you want A’s and B’s in your report card then you need to work hard for it and don't go and sacrifice it because you want to watch a little TV because by then you will not want to do the homework then you won't do the homework. A bad example would be if you do watch TV then you don't ever do homework anymore because you are watching TV. Most of our problems as teenagers in this century is that we have all this technology that we abuse almost 24/7 and that is something that has made us lazy,tired, bored, and not energetic. If most people learn and read this quote by Peter they are bound to improve and strive more for what they want the most.
Homecoming 2016

A school homecoming is a tradition that welcomes back former students and celebrating a school’s existence. This is something that high schools and colleges do in the United States and Canada.Here in the U.S. people,towns,high schools and colleges come together for this homecoming it's usually in late September or early October. Homecoming is celebrated with most sports but the more common one is football where they play on the school’s home football field. There is also a homecoming dance which consists of a Homecoming King and Queen. The tradition of homecoming has it's origins in alumni universities since the 19th century. Multiple schools such as Baylor, Southwestern, Illinois, and Missouri have made claims that they have held the first modern homecoming.

In addition there are also:
  • Activities for students and alumni
  • A parade featuring the school’s marching band and sports teams
  • Spirit week
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